DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY | Robin Hills Primary School | Johannesburg

Things that Do matter. What does it mean to you?

Last week I had the opportunity to document the daily activities at Robin Hills Elementary here in Johannesburg. It was really interesting to see how many nationalities, ethnicities and cultures can engage while being together in the same classroom.

My main goal on this this little project was to depict the relationship between students and teachers and also the education system itself. I believe kids are the same everywhere around the world, what changes is the enviromment and the input they receive during their lifetimes.

Those images represent just my firsts impressions. The school is very big and for this reason I wish I could have had more time to play around with the passionate teachers and the adorable children.

Anyways, I received a lot of affection and positive energy.

From here I intend to become better as a photographer and also produce a more impactful photography! So I hope these images could be spread to the whole world in the near future.

For those kids to have me around photographing them was a quite big experience. I looked different, had a foreign accent when speaking English and played with big cameras and lenses. Sometimes they wanted to just smile and wanted to ask me questions: where I came from, why I was there, if I would come over again, how my equipment worked… I wish I could stay more and learn more from them.

This is the result from the moments we shared when together. Press play and enjoy it!

For the entire collection and purchases, please access: (in case of any doubts, please- contact me at: [email protected])



Music: Free – Plàsi

PS: For those people who are visiting my blog for the very first time or for those who is willing to be uptaded with the last news, just give a like at my fanpage on Facebook and also my IG on instagram. I keep posting a lot of Portraits, Lifestyle and Documentary Pictures. 



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