DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY | Samantha beats Cancer | Johannesburg

This is Samantha’s story. An amazing woman, adorable mother – who was able to beat cancer.

We have met each other just after her treatment. She stayed at the Sam Fam‘s house while I was there as well.

For this reason, we have experienced many moments together and all those happenings and long conversarions made a huge diference in my experience in South Africa.

Look what she says about the “big C”:


“I sat on a bench alone outside Milpark Hospital, unable to talk, move, think or feel. I had just heard two words that I never thought I would ever hear “It’s Cancer” I just sat there for about an hour letting all sink in. Then hundreds of thoughts started rushing in. “Why me?” “What now?” “How did this happen?” “What could I have done to prevent this” “How do I tell my family and friends?” Then I heard a voice in my head “bring your self towards yourself Samantha and handle your shit” (the voice sounded alot like my mother…lol) so that’s what I did.

I brought my self towards myself and there and then I made the decision to not let the Big C break me. I would fight this and I would beat this while staying as positive and upbeat as possible.

I started telling my family and friend and the out pouring of love and support was incredible. I knew all these people loved and cared about me but this experience made me realise how much they all did. There is no way I could have made it through the operations, tests, hospital stays and treatment without the amazing support structure I had. There was always kind loving words, motivational messages and of cause many inappropriate jokes (thats how my family deals with difficult times) to get me through the hard times.

It was a long, difficult and frustrating road but I made it. We made it! I am not 100% in the clear just yet but i know that whatever comes next I will be able to get through it with the help of all the amazing people in my life.”

Thanks Sam, for sharing such a life experience.

I hope these pictures reminds you how strong you are every time you look at them.

As I told you before, sometimes I feel “super famous” for having such an amazing “personal assistant”. I am so glad and so grateful I could meet you.

Thanks for everything so far.



ahh! Don’t forget to press play while you check on the images bellow.

PS: For those people who are visiting my blog for the very first time or for those who is willing to be uptaded with the last news, just give a like at my fanpage on Facebook and also my IG on instagram. I keep posting a lot of Portraits, Lifestyle and Documentary Pictures. 

The days with the Sam Fam:




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With her amazing Aunt Serena, who is a teacher at Robin Hills Primary School:sam-2

During her first “day out” after the treatment:

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At the “One Step at a Time Cancer Warrior Walk”:

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